AFC - Atlanta Family Counseling
AFC stands for Atlanta Family Counseling
Here you will find, what does AFC stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Atlanta Family Counseling? Atlanta Family Counseling can be abbreviated as AFC What does AFC stand for? AFC stands for Atlanta Family Counseling. What does Atlanta Family Counseling mean?The health medical organization is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States.
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Alternative definitions of AFC
- Average Fixed Cost
- American Football Conference
- Arsenal Football Club
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Association Football Club
- AllMerica Financial Corporation
View 235 other definitions of AFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- AIA Alpha International Academy
- ACG Ace Communications Group
- AIC American International Campus
- AHA American Heart Assoc
- ACM Atlanta Community Ministries
- A1PS A-1 Preferred Sources
- AMAL Alpha Martial Arts LLC
- AVB Audio Visual Bend
- ALC Ash Lane Consulting
- AFP Abundance Farming Project
- AAGP American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
- ALFS African Life Financial Services
- ASRI Australian Space Research Institute
- ABSL Automated Building Services Limited
- AHBB Avenue Hotel Bed and Breakfast
- ARG Apple Rehab Guilford
- AEC Alter Ego Capital
- ACC American Communications Centers
- ACA Arab Council Australia